Saturday, February 5, 2011

2011 sucks platypus shit.

Ya ya, I know periksa kecil je. Tpi my dad thinks its lie SPM or something -.- Shittos. La.

naaak je aku berhenti tuisyen tu, tpi tuisyen tu bnyk tolong aku. Tu yg aku tk suke tu. Cikgu best. Aku layan diorg pun mcm aku lyn kawan aku. Tpi please ahh. 1 month blajar dh prekse? Gila ka? Aiyyyo. Dh la result pun inform straight kat parents. Lagi ahh dohh. Pastu, prekse tu pun untuk Form 1 SAHAJA. Gilaaa dohh. Kang kalau aku berhenti, Naz bising -,- Padtu, msuk balik. Mmg sah thun ni buat aku gila.

2011, you SUCK. I mean, high school? Public transportation for school? Homework bertimbun- timbun? 2nd class? A friend who drives me crazy? Another friend who lies a lot? Another friend who's in love with a nerd? What happen to my life?!?! What the eff la kan? Macaam, aku mne boleh tempuhi segalanya (ECEEEHHH XD) 

Okaayy, BYEEEE.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love War.

Yeaah, lagu megand&liz. They rock.

Hihihi, tulis ni sikit je. I fell hard for HD. Like seriously, I don't know why. Handsome? Taak. Langsung. Kelakar? Boleh ahh. Cute? Sikit. Haih, I'm tired of answering my questions. Eeee, aku asik terbayang, ape akan terjadi mase 14th Feb nanti :D Kalau die tk buat ape2, then I WILL HATE VALENTINES DAY FOREVER. I mean it. Yes, I'm ridiculous. Baru one boy tk minta kat aku, then i hate valentines. Whatever. I don't freakin' care what you say. I'm only interested of what I think. I maybe selfish, but hey, thats what makes me human. So live with it, aite?

Merapu tiiime. My favorite weapon, BOMB ATOM >:D My favorite tool, scissors :) My favorite foods, pizza & spaghetti. But don't worry, if we are ina restaurant, I won't order spaghetti unless you want your top to be covers by spaghetti. Favortie drinks, lemon syrup and sprite. Colors? Blue & purple & red. Favorite websites, facebook, twitter & tumblr. Weeee :D

bye :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hahaha, mesti korang fikir aku ni loser kan? C'mon la, 6 followers? Org dh tk pndg dh la. Dulu kemain lagi, "FUYOOOO 6 followers baii! Mne kau jumpe?". Sekarang aww, cenggini la "Ek eleh, ape kes 6 followers? aku dh berpuluh puluh, kau baru 6? HAHA, sedihh je.'' Eeee aku paling benci org mcm tu dohh. Sombong gile. Thu la kau rmi followers. Aku mne on sgt computer ni. Pastu, blog aku ni pun mne famous sgt. Barai sial kau. Haaish -,-

Okkk, semalam sgt boring. Tk pergi mne2. Ohoh, next week exam kat tuisyen. Penat dohh tadi, mcm 2 jam lebih belajar. Science is hard -,- Ohoh, sekarang aku dh active on Tumblr :) Its fuun what? Best tauu cari2 gmbr :D Gmbr die lawa2 pula tu. Hee. Facebook dh kureeeng. Twitter pun, kalau travelling and shopping je. Blog, kalau ade mase and kalau ade bende nk ckp. Formspring, ade manusie paling sakai ni cari pasal dgn aku. Youtube, aku pling setia dgn die la dohh :D Eeee, ntah kenapa, tpi thun ni, aku naaak sangat diary. Sumpah aku tk thu knp. Selalunye, aku benci gile diary. Cause nanti bile dh tk thu ape nk tulis, aku akan gune untuk buku conteng. Baik gune buku sekolah kan? Tu la aku. Be aware awww.

Aku tk thu la ape nasib aku minggu depan. Pn. Jam ckp yg masuk chapter one je. I hope so! Eeee siang malam igt HD je :D Hee igt lagi care die tegur aku hari tu. Okoj, byee nk tgk Freak the Frak Out on Nick. Byeess.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semalaaaam :)

Sape tk kenal, tlg jgn tnye sape HD awww. Aku ckp awal2. 

hi Qistina readers :)  I am in loooove :D I cant think of any code name so you won't recognize. Sorry. Yes, i'm in love HD. He is gorgeous. Everytime I'm near him, I feel something is connected between us. LOL. I mean, kalau aku jln sebelah die, aku rse cam melting la. Sbb tu ahh aku ltk lagu baru. That song express my feelings to him. To HD <3 GAHAHA. Sape yg kenal sape HD, tolong jgn bgtau. Please please. Thu, die tk brape handsome. ECEHHH. Hahaha. Kemain lagi aku kan? Okok.

Crite smlm, haha. HD tegur akuu :D Pastu, si Aiman Haiqal, putera idaman sepupu aku (HAHAH) suruh aku tegur die setiap kali aku jumpe. Smlm, aku nmpk die, aku tegur la die. Gile malu dohh. Blushing terus, haha. Dgn kawan2 die lagi. Hahah, dlm hati diorg kan, mesti ckp mcm ni "Pahal dgn minah ni? Jln dh la mcm ape ahh, pastu, nk tegur laki org pula. Ish ish ish". Hahaha. Ngee :D Pastu, nk suruh Naz belanje ice cream. Pastu, Aimi dh smpi. Die suruh  aku temankan die beli ice cream. Nk je aku lempang die tu d: Ehh smlm pun aku sanggup odhh ikut highway instead of shortcut. Sbb shortcut, ade Aiman Haiqal. Malas aku nk tegur die d: Hahahaha.

Pastu, mse BM, Pn. Hasmah tkde. Pergi mne pun aku tk thu. Soo die suruh ade cikgu tu, aku lupe name die, die relief kelas kitorg. Nazurah nk buat homework GEO same2 dgn aku Mey Ying & Jijah. We tried 3 different languages, nk suruh Naz ambik kerusi. BM, BI & wait for it.... CINA! HAHAHAHAH! Aku ckp BM, Jijah ckp BI, Mey Ying ckp cina. HAHAHA, tk boleh blaa gila dohh. Hahahaha.

Ohoh, mase tuisyen kaaan? Mse GEO, ngantuk gile. Susah pula tu skala & jarak. Bangang dohh. Nasib belajr arah skit smlm. And and and, semue cikgu smlm hebohh dgn video Nazurah menari! HAHAHHAHA. Sakit perut aku gelak2. And mse BI kene replace dgn SJ, PUAN JAAM <3  Ngee :D Ikhwan, Ajieb & Amar fikir blue dohh. Ajieb ahh lebih2. Mse science, tk pyh crite ahh. Diorg tk habis2 the sperm sperm diorg tu. Ooops, censored censored :D

Ok, thats it la kot. Jari lenguh gile. Asyik menaip je d: bye :) momdadmeganandliznigahigatiffanyalvordlamp :)
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