Friday, January 21, 2011

I hate you

Its time for me to be honest. I'm gonna make a list of who or what I hate. Kalau ade name kau, sorry ahh. Aku benci kau.

~ People- They irritate me
~Pink- Eww
~Cowboys- You wouldn't understand
~Boys- They disgust me.
~Yasmin Lutfirrasyiqah- Yeah you.
~Aimi Rusdi- Big, fat liar.
~Emo- Don't you ever feel happy?!
~Cheese- They're gross.
~Bastards- Why do you always gotta irritate everybody?
~Teachers- Except the nice ones, like Puan Kuhanis <3 :'(
~Paparazzi- Don't you have anything to ask other than privacy?!
~Selena Gomez- Bitch.
~Lady GaGa- Illuminati member -,-
~Little kid who doesnt know anything about me- Diam boleh tak? Kalau tk thu, tk thu la! -,-

Thats pretty much everybody.

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