Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love War.

Yeaah, lagu megand&liz. They rock.

Hihihi, tulis ni sikit je. I fell hard for HD. Like seriously, I don't know why. Handsome? Taak. Langsung. Kelakar? Boleh ahh. Cute? Sikit. Haih, I'm tired of answering my questions. Eeee, aku asik terbayang, ape akan terjadi mase 14th Feb nanti :D Kalau die tk buat ape2, then I WILL HATE VALENTINES DAY FOREVER. I mean it. Yes, I'm ridiculous. Baru one boy tk minta kat aku, then i hate valentines. Whatever. I don't freakin' care what you say. I'm only interested of what I think. I maybe selfish, but hey, thats what makes me human. So live with it, aite?

Merapu tiiime. My favorite weapon, BOMB ATOM >:D My favorite tool, scissors :) My favorite foods, pizza & spaghetti. But don't worry, if we are ina restaurant, I won't order spaghetti unless you want your top to be covers by spaghetti. Favortie drinks, lemon syrup and sprite. Colors? Blue & purple & red. Favorite websites, facebook, twitter & tumblr. Weeee :D

bye :)

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