Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ok, as far as I know, this will be the post I'll hate. In this post, I'm gonna say this famous word to ALL of my friends. And the word is "Goodbye".

Yes, goodbye, my friend. I heard some of you got accepted by the boarding school. Some of you stay, but maybe go to other schools. Ohh, this sucks. But yeah, no friendship lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever in this freakin' world. Soo, yeah. To all my friends who might be going to boarding school, I wish you good luck. To the ones who want to go to boarding school, I can't stop you. Its your choice. Your future. I also wish you good luck. We had a great time :)

The reason why I'm saying all these is because 2010 is going to end. Yes. The end for my green uniform, black shoes, title as "Head Librarian", green name tag. Everything. And the most important one, being a preteen. Yeaah, I'm gonna turn 13 next year :'(

 To my teachers, I wish you all happines. I hope the class next year is better than this year. And I hope you won't forget me. I mean, how can you? I've been mean to you guys, aite? Soo yeah, hoe to visit the school someday :)

This is it. Goodbyee :') 

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