Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year :D

Bonjour sans valeur! :) Ok, since you know what it means, I won't explain again.

Ok, you saw the title aite? Yeah, today is 1ST OF JANUARY 2011! I'm pshyched! And the same time, I feel nervous. I'm gonna turn 13 this year. Soo fast. And I'm gonna go to High School. Seriosuly, nervous. 

Ohh, before I forgot. I made a new Tumblr. If you want the link, I already put it at the side. In the "Find Me Here" column. Yeah, you can stalk me all you want there. 

And, I might stop early today. Nothing much to say. See yaa! :D  


Bonjour sans valeur! It means "Hello worthless" in French. Yup, Google Translate.

Tonight (Y), I'm gonna talk about copycats. Ok, since I've been talking about life, I'm deciding to change my blog title to "Real. Life. Stories." Yup, its like my old blog. But better >:D
Ok, as I was saying, I'm gonna talk about copycats. Yes, the kind of people that I really hate. Copycats are like copying someone's answer in examinations. And for your info, Mr/Mrs. Copycat, nobody likes you. Whats so great copying people? If you think my P.O.V. is false. Go mirror yourself. You're special. Everybody's is special. Well, in their own ways la. DUUH. What about you think of your own idea instead of copying other people. Cause that could or might hurt somebody. Like, seriously. I found a copycat already. I won't tell her name. Yes, the person's a girl. Soo, beware girls! It might be YOU. 

C'mon, even copycats hate other people copying them. I mean, its AWKWARD. Seriosuly, you copy other people but you hate other people copying you? That immature! Grow up! Get a job! Kiss someone! Do something! Goodness sake -.-
That's all. Follow! >:D

Thursday, December 30, 2010

14 Wishes XD

Hello people of earth.

I, Qistina Eiman, am going to make a wish list. Hoping you guys could grant it XD Cewah, kidding la :D Now you're thinking I'm being to selfish. Hahahahahaha. Ok, here it is. My 14 wishes.

- A purple converse
- A photo of me and Justin Bieber
- My own MacBook
- A purple cardigan
- An EOS (Canon camera)
- My own iPhone4
- Go shopping with my friends at O.U.
- Justin Bieber's My Worlds Acoustic soundtrack
- Justin Bieber's autograph
- A hot boyfriend XD
- Loads of followers on blogger and twitter
- Success in life, of course
- A best friend for life
- Justin Bieber following me on Twitter.

Thats it. My 14 wishes :) Things that I want BADLY. Just saying this. Its my blog right? Not yours! :B


Ok, as far as I know, this will be the post I'll hate. In this post, I'm gonna say this famous word to ALL of my friends. And the word is "Goodbye".

Yes, goodbye, my friend. I heard some of you got accepted by the boarding school. Some of you stay, but maybe go to other schools. Ohh, this sucks. But yeah, no friendship lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever in this freakin' world. Soo, yeah. To all my friends who might be going to boarding school, I wish you good luck. To the ones who want to go to boarding school, I can't stop you. Its your choice. Your future. I also wish you good luck. We had a great time :)

The reason why I'm saying all these is because 2010 is going to end. Yes. The end for my green uniform, black shoes, title as "Head Librarian", green name tag. Everything. And the most important one, being a preteen. Yeaah, I'm gonna turn 13 next year :'(

 To my teachers, I wish you all happines. I hope the class next year is better than this year. And I hope you won't forget me. I mean, how can you? I've been mean to you guys, aite? Soo yeah, hoe to visit the school someday :)

This is it. Goodbyee :') 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

There's a Taylor Swift song for that.

                     Love StoryYou and him like each other but you aren’t allowed to date
The Way I Loved You - You love your new boyfriend, but you can’t get over how things were with your old one
Invisible - You like him but he likes her, and she’ll never like him, and you do
Fifteen - You believed everything he said, and now you realize that young love doesn’t last
Should’ve Said No - He cheated on you, and she was not worth it, and he’ll never have you back
A Place In This World You just want to fit in
Forever & Always - You and him went from being perfect to horrible so quickly
Tell Me Why - If he loves you then why does he like to hurt you?
I’m Only Me When I’m With You He’s the only person you can be yourself around
Teardrops on My Guitar -You want him so bad, but he only sees you as the girl he talks about his girlfriend with
Mary’s Song- Our love is everlasting
Today Was A Fairytale- That was the best date of your life
Fearless With him, you’re not afraid to do anything
 White Horse - He broke your heart, and you won’t forgive him
The Outside - You don’t fit in in his world
Jump Then Fall You fell for him, now he just needs to fall for you?
 You Belong With Me - You’re so much better for him than she is

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hey guys. Just wanna give you some note. Ok, see this guy in this pic? 
 His name is Cody Simpson.
And I know, what I may say can offend you, but this is my point of view. So, if you are a fan of that person, then "FUCK OFF". OK? 

Cody Simpson, I just wanna say, STOP COPYING JUSTIN BIEBER! What? Justin Bieber copied Cody Simpson? YO! DO THE MATH. Justin Bieber was famous first. I hated Justin too. HATED. Now, I'm a big fan. Have you ever heard? Justin saved a girl's life. I never heard Cody saved anyone's life. So, yeah, thats not the point. But seriously. Ok, I'm not saying this you are supposed to hate on Cody. Like him, like him all you want, but don't influence me. 

Sorry Cody, you suck. You suck BIG TIME. Face it, Justin Bieber is better than you. Greyson Chance is better than you. Everybody is better than you. I'm soo sorry if this offended you. But hey, many people offended me about Justin. So you feel the pain, so do I. 


Cody, this is just my point of view. I can see you hate Justin Bieber too. I understand. Soo, yeah. Sorry. 

Nothing better.

On 26th of December, the surau near my house was having a Fun Walk and Carnival. And guess what? It was BEYOND AWESOME! It was fun! Everything was PERFECT. I met my friends. Like Sorhana, Azzalea, Fatin, Hana, Ayu & many more. I rode a KMX, I tried out the archery and I played at the kid's section, the "Playland". My favorite place. I didn't win anything, but it was worth it. We took 200 pictures. Whoaa, I know right? It might be our last day of meeting each other. It was so sad how I see them leaving :'(

Ok, since I said everything in the first paragraph, I'm just gonna say what I did. First, there was this walk. We're not allowed to run unless you want to be disqualified. As the banners said "FUN WALK". So, yeah. My legs are aching like HELL. But I'm sure its gonna go away soon. My arm and neck also hurt. I have a lip cut. And I feel dizzy. LOL. So, this year's holidays will last in another 5 days. Okay, is it just me, or is the time is ticking really fast nowadays?

I tried out the archery, and my arm hurts! The tutor looks really freaky. I have goosebumps just looking at him. But I fell  in love with his brother :D His name is Abdul Rahman <3 He's such a hottie. Well, in person. Then, I tried out for the driftbikes. It was a whole lot of FUN. I rode it 5 times. Sorry, can't help it. LOL.

It was okay. Hope that the surau will organize it again :) PeaceLoveJoy ;) 

Friday, December 24, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond.

Recognize the title? Yes, from Toy Story. I love that movie. 

So, how you likin' my blog? Pretty lame or good? Drop your comment right there. Down there! :D

Now, I don't know what to do. So, I'm gonna make a *drum roll* 

*Applause* Hahaha. Ok. Are you ready? Good. Here it goes. Ehem, ehem.
My firsr video is Justin Bieber singing in his bathroom before he brushes his teeth. This video is uploaded my Justin, himself. Cool, ain't it? ;D Here's the link. He's very talented and cute!

The next video, this 3-year-old Bieber fan is crying over Justin. She's so cute. Watch it til the end. Justin met her later on, but for now, watch her cry. 

The 3rd video, Justin Bieber sound like a chipmunk :D This one is SUPER DUPER cute.. and stupid. Hahahahahahahahaha. I bet you'll laugh your ass off. LOL. Kidding. Enjoy the song at the end, its only the quarter of the song. Here it is.

The last video, it is of, Dramatic Bieber. I believe this'll be the BEST 10 seconds of your life. I musn't ruin it for you. So, you must watch it yourself.
Thats all for now. PeaceLoveJoy ;) 

River Flows on You.

Ok, ignore the title. Its just a song that I'm listening right now. Hee :D

Well, actually, that song is beautiful! No,no, BEYOND BEAUTIFUL! I'm seriously mad at this biatch, he/she picked up a fight with me at Formspring. He keeps calling me pig. Yes, pigs are pink. And I hate PINK. I like PURPLE. Not PINK. Oh well, whatever. Thats not the point. 

So, he/she started the fight first. And the username is "Sprinky". So I thought that "Sprinky" asshole's a girl. But he/she sounds like a girl. Well, I never heard his/her voice. But how he/she types, its like a girl. And I have no idea how he/she knows me. I don't even know him/her.

And about the insult, pig. Uhh, hello? I'm a muslim, and I'm proud to be it. Muslims are forbidden to touch a pig. And as a Muslim, I wear a scarf. PIGS DON'T WEAR SCARFS. And pigs eat shit. I DON'T EAT SHIT. I mean, who does? And I eat human food. You know? Rice, vegetables, pizza. And NOT SHIT. OMG! 

So, the moral of the story is, if you wanna insult anybody, make sure it makes sense. Thats all for now. I'll write tomorrow. PeaceLoveJoy ;)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Plan Before Go.

26 Dec :) Like I said, the previous, previous (LOL) post, I said I'll meet back my friends. Wee, I cant wait! My heart is pounding, and it feels like its gonna explode! :D 

We're gonna walk together, chat, talk about how much we miss each other, take pictures, etc :D Daaaaang, I cant wait!! Me and Ayu already planned to walk together. I'l invite some more friends. The more, the merrier :) 

I'm gonna upload the pictures right here, in my blog. So everyone can see what we did. Well, not everyone, I guess. But who the fuck cares, right?

Ohh yeaa, one day, I cant remember when, I was logging on to my formspring account, and this coward, desperate asshole, called me a pig. Well, here's a thing for you fight-picker-at formspring, if you opened a formspring account JUST to pick a fight with people,  then you're just wasting your fuckin' life and my fuckin' time. Formspring was made to ask question, get to know each other, and you abused it. So congratulations, you abused formspring. 

Thats all for now. Thank you for wasting your time reading this. Follow me. Listen to the song up there XD PeaceLoveJoy  ;)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Forget Me Never. (This might be a lil bit EMO.)

I know we had our ups and downs, but no matter what, I will always remember you. Insya-Allah. You guys complete me. You taught me new things. Friendship. Never giving up. Honesty. Working together. Everything that I didn't know. You guys happen to be my best friends. So this is me, swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for whatever I've done (CEHH, copied TSwift's song). And I mean it. i know I always annoy you, tease you, beat you up, cursed at you, always wanna do things my way, accused you on anything that you never did, lied to you, stole your stuff, eveything. I realize then, you hate me because you love me. As a friend la. 

And you, you might be crazy, annoying too, but thats the way i love you =) And to show you that, here's a song from Victorious. Just for you.

 Ok, since I can't put it up on Blogger, just go to Youtube. Here's the link:-

PeaceLoveJoy ;)

Almost The End.

So I stalked my friend's pages on Facebook. Gosh, I still can't believe some of them, or maybe half of them are going to boarding school. WHY ARE THEY SO SMART?! And maybe a quarter of them stays, like Nazurah, Azzalea, Sorhana, etc. And the one's who are going to boarding school happens to be my CLOSEST FRIENDS. Awwwwh, why won't they stay? :'(

Ohh, today, all the Form 3's are going to get their PMR results. My brother is. God, please give my brtoher a good result so he won't ruin my life -.-  He says, if he gets a good result, he'll get RM1500. And he'll use all the money to buy HIS stuff. He already has that on his mind. Cehh, he think he's cool. PFFFT.

26 Dec. The day I'll meet back my friends. The surau is going to have a Fun Walk. I can use that opportunity to meet ALL my friends who are near to my house. We're gonna spend a lot of time together, for the very last time, maybe. Geez, 2010 is almost over. And then, HIGH SCHOOL TIME. Uh-oh, no more fooling around like a kid. Cause once you're in high school, you CAN'T be a kid anymore. Why?

Cause YOO. Wake up! You're in HIGH SCHOOL. And in HIGH SCHOOL, no more funny business. And if what I'm saying/typing right now isn't right to you, WHAT DO YOU CARE? This is just my P.O.V. Ohh greaat, now you don't know what P.O.V. stands for -,- 

It stands for...

Thats all for now. I guess.  PeaceLoveJoy ;)


Hello everybody. My name is Qistina Eiman. I'm 12, going to 13. Yes, I faked my age. What? Got a problem with that? 

What I may say can hurt your feelings. So, before THAT happens, I want to apologize first. And this is my 2nd blog. My 1st blog was a dump. I'll try my best to make this one better. See? I'm adding colors now. I'm cooool :D

I always think I'm awesome. Yes, I could be vain. And if I upload pictures of myself, that means I like that photo.  I may be a bitch, but soon, you'll realize that I'm gonna be the GREATEST bitch you'll ever meet, and I. Mean. It.

If you wanna follow me, follow. If you don't, what.ever.I don't care actually. I just made this stupid blog up so I don't get bored next time I'm onlining. Ok, thats it for an introduction. PeaceLoveJoy  ;)
Read already? Good. Follow me then :)